Monday, March 23, 2009

Egyptian Luck Amulets

Seventh Grade Students created amulets inspired by Ancient Egyptian Luck Amulets that were tucked into the wrappings of a mummy to protect them as they traveled to the afterlife. Each student brainstormed and sketched how they wanted their amulet to look before creating it out of salt dough. Once the amulets were "fired", students added visual interest by coloring with markers and watercolors. The amulets were then sealed to last forever, just like the Egyptian Amulets.

Amulet by Joshua

Amulet by Cecily

Amulet by Rosie

Amulet by Natally
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Sunday, March 8, 2009

Upclose with Van Gogh

Sixth grade students learn about the moving lines in Vincient Van Gogh's artwork. Then we zoom into one image from nature, most student select a flower, but anything from nature will do. Using vivid colors and large scale images, student create breathtaking versions of Van Gogh's famed landscapes, just zoomed in. To really give the artwork that Van Gogh feel, students add his signature brush stroke lines to really give the images a since of movement.

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Oaxaca is "Goin' Green"!

Students in my Explorations: MesoAmerica art class, went "Green" with their Oaxacan recyled animals. They used old water bottles and found objects, like old tile, feathers, wood and beads together to create fanciful animals inspired by the carved wooden animals of the Oaxacan Valley in Mexico. They tied in bright colors and imaginative designs to create a fun and earth friendly alternative to actually cutting down trees and carving animals. We're "Goin' Green"!

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Notan vs. Notan

Seventh grade students learn about the Japanese art of Notan, light vs. dark, before they begin a project about balance, space and symmetry. During this project students are asked to create a composition of balance using just positive and negative space. With scissors and exacto blades as their only tools, student create detailed designs out of one piece of construction paper. Each artwork incorporates repetiton, balance and space to create an original and visually interesting piece of art.

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